| - 气动除尘装置 pneumatic dust removal system
- 气压给水装置 pressurized-type water supply unit
- 气泵传动装置 air pump gear
- 气溶胶包装机 aerosol packing machine
- 气溶胶灌装机 aerosol filling machine
- 气焊装置 gas welding equipment
- n. 气球所装载的沙子或其他物质(可将其抛掉以使气球升得更高). sand or other material carried in a balloon, that can be thrown out to make the balloon go higher
- 气瓶串联装置 air cascade system
- 气管套管固定装置 Tracheal tube fixation device
- 气门旋转装置 valve rotating device
- 氘装置 heavy hydrogen plant
- 氟利昂盐水制冷装置 freon brine refrigerating installation
- 氡效应地震预报装置 radon effect seismic predictor
- 氢氧氮测定装置 apparatus for determination of oxygen hydrogen and nitrogen
- 氧化氮给药装置 Nitric oxide administration apparatus
- 氧化装置 oxidizer unit