| - n. 漂白剂adj.有脱色作用的,漂白的 decolorant
- 漂白或本色亚麻平布 fecamp
- 漂白或染色细平布 brazilians
- n. 漆皮儿的少许退色. some discoloration of the paintwork
- 漆色转换器 paint color-changing unit
- 演奏(音乐);演出(戏剧);扮演(角色);以绘画等表现(某人[某物]) render vi. give a performance of (music,a play,a character.etc); give a portrayal of (sb/sth)in painting,etc.
- n. 演角色, 扮装, 假冒人名, 装扮, 假装, 扮演, 假冒身分, 冒名, 化身 personation
- n. 演讲, 言语, 说话, 谈话, 演说, 发言, 报告, 民族语言, 方言, 专门语言, 词, 引语, 用语, 音, 音色, 说话的能力, 讲演, 演说词, 台词, 讲话, 语音 speech
- 潜育暗色土 gleyic andosols
- 潜育棕色冲积土 gley alluvial brown soil
- 潜育灰色森林土 gleyic greyzems
- 潜育灰色森林土 gray forest gley soil
- 潜育灰色森林土 gleyic greyzem
- n. 潜艇三明治(长面包纵向切开, 夹肉、 乾酪、 色拉等). sandwich made from a long bread roll split lengthwise and filled with meat, cheese, salad, etc
- 激光三联单色光度计 laser tripler monochrometer
- 激光单色仪 laser monochromator