| - 方形龙骨 center bar keel
- adj. 方形)广场, 街心 four-sided open area, eg in a town, used as a garden or for recreation, or one enclosed by streets and buildings (
- 方括号 []. =>App 3见附录3. the marks []
- n. 方旗武士,爵位 banneret
- 方旦糖膏 fondant paste
- n. 方晶石, 方石英, 方石英 cristobalite
- 方木材 squared timber
- 方条滑石笔 flat strip slate pencil
- 方条铜线 bus bar wire
- 方条铜线 bus line
- 方条铜线汇流线母线 bus line
- 方柄扳钻 square shank ratchet drill
- 方柄钻 square shank drill
- 方柜式缝纫机 sewing machine with square cabinet
- 方柱图 histogram
- n. 方柱石, 方柱石 scapolite