| - n. 檐口(墙顶上带装饰的突出体, 如用灰泥制的). =>illus at column 见column之插图. ornamental moulding, eg in plaster, round the walls of a room, just below the ceiling
- n. 檐板, 护墙板, 装以护墙板 weatherboarding
- 次临界装置 subcritical facility
- 次装配 subassembly
- v. 欣赏那些装点四壁的绘画 admire the paintings that adorn the walls
- adj. 欧姆的, 以欧姆测定的, 以欧姆计算的, 使用欧姆定律的原理装置的 ohmic
- 止咳糖浆装瓶机 cough syrup bottle filler
- 正射投影装置 orthoprinter
- 正射投影装置 orthoprojector
- 正常停堆安全装置 normal shut down safety assembly
- 正统男西装 classic suit
- 正统西装 suit-suits
- 正装运 shpg. shipping
- 步兵和装甲兵的进攻. an attack by infantry and armour
- n. 步测者, 领步人, 慢行者, 溜蹄的马, 定速装置, 调搏器 pacer
- v. 武装,装备 arm