| - n. 调味瓶(顶端有小孔, 用以撒糖等). small container with holes in the top for sprinkling sugar, etc
- adj. 调皮的, 撒娇的, 主要 arch
- n. 谎言, 虚假, 错误, 虚妄, 撒谎, 谬误, 不真实 falsehood
- n. 贝多芬的D大调弥撒曲. Beethoven's Mass in D
- pron. 起码我就深信不疑他撒谎. I for one have no doubt that he's lying
- 转盘式撒布机 spinning-disc distributor
- 转盘式撒肥机 spinner fertilizer spreader
- 轮式撒肥机 wheel distributor
- v. 这个词也可指将某物撒在一处(地上、 田里等) with something
- n. 追纸游戏(领头者作越野跑, 沿途撒纸屑供他人循踪追逐). cross-country run in which the leader drops a trail of pieces of paper for the other runners to follow
- 道碴撒铺车 ballast spreader
- 道路撒料机 road spreader
- indef det 那无异於说我撒谎. That is as much as saying I am a liar
- n. 那牧师每天作两次弥撒. The priest says two Masses each day
- 重力撒布器 gravity spreader
- n. 金星, 晓星, 魔鬼, 恶魔, 撒旦, 摩擦火柴, 安全火柴 lucifer