| - 拿…出氣 take out on
- v. 拿三個雞蛋, 輕輕打勻. Take three eggs and beat them gently
- adj. 拿不出去的, 不能拿到人前的, 不登大雅之堂的, 見不得人的, 不像樣的 unpresentable
- adj. 拿不定主意去不去(不知道應否去). about whether to go or not
- v. 拿住, 抓住, 抱住, 咬住, 托住, 支撐住(某人[某物]) in one's arms, hands, teeth, etc
- prep. 拿儲蓄的錢買新汽車. pay for a new car out of one's savings
- v. 拿出或出示某事物(以供檢驗或使用) bring out or show sth so that it can be examined or used
- 拿出點勇氣來, 顯出男子漢的氣概 be a man (=play the man)
- 拿出王牌, 做出驚人之舉 play a trump
- 拿出精力工作, 發泄某種感情 work off steam
- 拿出精神; 使勁, 加油 put on steam
- 拿出;去掉;扣除;(通過申請等)取得,辦理;(on)對….發泄 take out
- 拿別人出氣 Take it out on someone
- n. 拿別人的錢使人傢無以自立是十分可恥的. It's a shame to take money from those who can't afford it
- 拿到, 占有, 占領 get possession of
- n. 拿到一手好、 壞、 糟...牌. have a good, bad, poor, etc hand