| - vt. 因凝视过度使...疲劳 pore
- abbr. 因勇敢荣获特殊功劳勋章. be awarded the DSO for bravery
- v. 因工作、 劳动、 尽力等而获得合适的报酬 receive adequate recompense for one's services, labours, efforts, etc
- n. 因操劳过度而招致的身体的衰退. a crack-up due to overwork
- v. 因焦虑和过度劳累而情绪低落 weighed down by worry and overwork
- v. 因疲劳)重重地、 笨拙地坐下或躺下 sit or lie down heavily and clumsily, because of tiredness (
- n. 园艺劳动是非常有益的消遣. Gardening is a very rewarding pastime
- 圣劳伦斯航道信号灯 St. Lawrence seaway signal light
- 圣劳翰斯 St.John's(NF.)
- v. 在合作社中, 利润是在全体劳动者中进行分配的. In a co-operative profits are distributed among the work-force
- 在恶劣的条件下工作的廉价劳工. people forced to do such work
- 塑性疲劳 plastic fatigue
- 塞拉克劳德醋酯填充纤维 Celacloud
- 声波振动疲劳 acoustic fatigue
- 备劳喘气雾剂 berotec inhaler
- 复合应力疲劳试验机 combined stress fatigue tester