  • n.  尝, 试吃, 试, 试食, 预尝到的滋味, 预获得的经验, 预得到的经验, 预示   foretaste
  • adj.  得分者即为胜方的加时赛.   a ,sudden-death `play-off
  • v.  先思而後行.   Think before you act, ie Do not act hastily or rashly
  •   先想清楚再行动.   Think first, then act
  • v.  把东西都堆在那边--我等会儿再整理.   Just dump everything over there I'll sort it out later
  • adj.  把地平整好再植草坪.   The ground should be levelled before you plant a lawn
  • n.  先把墙刷乾净再上漆.   Scrub the walls down before painting them
  • v.  把墙面打磨光滑再粉刷.   Rub the walls down well before painting them
  • v.  把尺寸量好, 再把木材锯成所需长短.   up, then cut the timber to the correct length
  • v.  把布稍弄潮湿再使用此溶液.   Moisten the cloth slightly before applying the lotion
  • n.  把洞补好, 再涂上一些密封胶.   mend the hole and paint some sealant on
  • n.  把翘起来的漆皮刮掉再重新装修.   Scrape off all the loose flakes of paint before redecorating
  • v.  把肉的一面烤好, 然後翻过来烤另一面.   and brown the other side
  • v.  把表面弄毛糙再涂颜料.   Roughen the surface before applying the paint
  • v.  把黄油融化, 然後加入面粉.   Melt the butter and then blend in the flour
  •   先拔枪[剑]; 先下手   beat to the draw