| - 二尖瓣交界分离术后综合征 postcommissurotomy syndrome
- 二次热交换器 secondary heat exchanger
- 二阶交调失真 Crosstalk of second order (CSO)
- 亏本交易 Bad bargain
- adj. 互为前提的至少两个量之间的交替上升或下降 continuous increase or decrease in two or more quantities alternately because each depends on the other(s)
- n. 互换, 交叉现象, 一种有饰带的装饰品 frogging
- 互殴;交战 mix it
- adv. 互相交叉地, 交叉往来地, 十字形地 crisscross
- v. 互相交往, 互相联络, 交际, 互相连络, 互通消息 intercommunicate
- n. 互相交往(尤指教会间, 如天主教与东正教之间的). mutual communion, esp between different Churches, eg Catholic and Orthodox
- n. 互相来往, 互相交往, 交际, 双向通信 intercommunication
- adj. 互相的, 交替的, 交换的, 相互的, 交[互]换的, 转向的, 代替的, 对易的, 可交换的 commutative
- v. 互相衔接的交通运输系统 transport systems that interlink with each other
- vi. 互相配合, 互相啮合, 编成方格网, 交织 intermesh
- 亚太中小企业技术交流与培训中心 ACTETSME
- 亚太中小企业技术交流与培训中心 APEC Center for Technology Exchange and Training for Small and Medium Enterprises