  • n.  咳痰, 吐痰, 吐物, 吐痰, 咳物, 唾液, 痰   expectoration
  • n.  咸液(尤指从木灰中滤, 供洗涤用的).   alkaline solution, esp one obtained by passing water through wood ashes and used for washing things
  •   咽突出   pharyngocele
  • vt.  品尝, 尝...味道, 体验, 领略, 尝到, 感到   taste
  •   哈希什(从印度大麻提的可供吸食或咀嚼的麻醉品). Cf 参看 cannabis, marijuana.   n [U] top leaves and tender parts of the hemp plant dried for smoking or chewing as a narcotic drug
  • v.  哔哔做响,发出尖锐声   skirl
  • n.  哨兵发的止步命令, 并问来者是谁   order given by a sentry to stop and say who one is
  •   唇裂(生时唇板裂开的畸形).   deformed condition in which the roof of a person's mouth is split at birth
  • adj.  唤, 唤起, 引起, 可唤的, 可引的   evocable
  • n.  唤出,招魂,唤起   evocation
  • adj.  唤的, 唤起的, 唤起...的, 唤起…的, 引起…的   evocative
  • adv.  售出300万份以上   over 3 million copies sold
  • n.  售之物(尤指以修饰词语描述之方式售)   item that is sold (esp in the manner specified)
  •   售外国汇票, 售外国票据   foreign bills sold
  •   售外币汇票, 售外币票据   foreign currency bills sold
  • n.  售完, 背叛, 卖, 脱销, 客满的演   sellout