  • adj.  你眼流露出恍惚的神情.   You have a far-away look in your eyes
  • n.  你知道吗, 他们闹翻了.'`我看这是情理之的事.'   They've split up, you know.' `I can well believe it.' `
  • conj.  你给我的比给他的少(在口语   less than he gave me
  • n.  你绝不会让这种造谣伤的言论披露见报的吧.   such a scandalous allegation
  • adj.  你能不能让孩子们静一静? 我做事需要精神集.   Can't you keep the children quiet? I'm trying to concentrate
  • n.  你能从工作得到乐趣吗? 3 A profession is an occupation which requires higher education and specific training. *profession指需要受过较高深教育和专门训练才能从事的职业. A trade requires training and skill with the hands *trade指需要受过训练有手艺的职业   Do you get any job satisfaction?
  • v.  你能在这些伞认出你自己的那一把吗?   Can you identify your umbrella among this lot?
  • v.  你能想像出生活没有电会是一幅什麽样的情景吗?   Can you imagine what it would be like to live without electricity?
  • n.  你能指出他们论点的谬误吗?   Can you spot the flaw in their argument?
  •   你自己就是其一个主犯.   You yourself are one of the chief offenders
  • v.  你要在坦诚与唐突之间取其.   You must find a mean between frankness and rudeness
  • v.  你要尽力在演出倾注一点热情.   Try to inject a bit of enthusiasm into your performance
  • n.  你计算中出现的错误   an error in your calculations
  •   你读过那本关於国的书吗?   Have you read that book about China?
  •   你这个目无人的小子!   You insolent young puppy
  • n.  你远未中的.   by miles