  •   呼出震铃点   ring-out point
  • v.  呼出(气).   breathe out (air)
  • vi.  呼吁, 恳求, 诉诸, 求助, 上诉, 引起兴趣, 有感染力, 投合...的心意, 恳求, (常与to连用)吸引, (与to连用)求助于, (与to连用)指, 引证, 引…为证, (常与to连用)上诉, 诉诸于, 请求裁判员做裁决, 诉请, 要求   appeal
  • vi.  呼吸, 活着, 生存, 歇一口气, 休息一下, 发轻微的声音, 低语, 飘溢, 以空气维持燃烧   breathe
  • v.  呼吸,发出   breathe
  • v.  呼吸发声音(如因黏膜发炎)   breathe noisily (as when the nose is partly blocked with catarrh)
  • n.  呼吸孔, 气孔, 喷水孔, 通气孔, 气门, 喷气孔, 通风口, 一股熔岩流表面的水气或气体, 蝌蚪鳃腔的口   spiracle
  • adj.  呼吸时发响声的老人、 发呼呼响声的泵   a wheezy old man, pump
  • v.  呼吸时有声响 (尤指胸部发的哨声, 如因患哮喘、 支气管炎等).   breathe noisily, esp with a whistling sound in the chest (eg when suffering from asthma, bronchitis, etc)
  • v.  呼吸时)用鼻吸气(尤指为闻某气味或因爱闻某气味)   sth draw air in through the nose as one breathes, esp to discover or enjoy the smell of sth (
  • int.  呼喊声, 哎哟, 咳(用于差错时或摔倒时)   whoops
  • n.  呼噜声, 咕哝, 发咕噜声, 火鱼, 猪肉, 线路工人的助手, (类似猪发的)呼噜声   grunt
  • v.  呼气, 发, 发散, 使蒸发   exhale
  • n.  呼气, 蒸发, 发物, 呼, 发散物   exhalation
  •   呼气或吸气发的很短的口哨声, 用以表示松口气、 疲劳或惊奇)   interj (written representation of a short soft whistling sound made by blowing out or sucking in one's breath, and used to express relief, exhaustion or amazement
  • n.  命令, 指令, 禁令, 禁制令(尤指法院发的)   official order, esp a written order from a lawcourt, demanding that sth shall or shall not be done