  •   你在聚会看见谁了? Whom is necessary after prepositions 在介词後面必须用 whom   Who did you see at the party?
  • n.  你在这一活动需要再增加些干劲.   You need to put more zing into your playing
  •   你在(英国普通教育文凭的)高级考试有几项及格? Cf 参看 O level, GCSE.   How many A levels have you got?
  • n.  你好'和`对不起'是社交的客套语.   How d'you do' and `Excuse me' are social formulae. `
  •   你工作中有问题吗?   Have you got problems at work?
  • n.  你恰恰中了我的计.   You fell right into my trap
  •   你打中了吗?   Did you hit it?
  • n.  你撒谎!'他说道, 声音含著怨恨.   You liar!' he said, with venom in his voice. `
  • n.  你是我心中的偶像.   You're my hero, ie I admire you greatly
  • v.  你是用英语思考呢, 还是在头脑把自己的语言翻译过来呢?   Do you think in English or translate mentally from your own language?
  •   你有计算机吗?'`有.' In US English questions and negatives are formed with do 在美式英语, 与do连用可构成疑问式和否定式   Have you got a computer?' `Yes, I have.' `
  • n.  你的儿子在所有教师的心目已毫无希望了.   Your son is the despair of all his teachers, ie They no longer expect to be able to teach him anything
  • v.  你的写作风格是否体现在你的作品了?   Does your style of writing individualize your work?
  • v.  你的建议多已纳入新计画.   Many of your suggestions have been incorporated in the new plan
  •   你的忠实的(信尾用语, 相当于文的“谨启, 拜上”等)   Yours faithfully (= F-yours)
  • n.  你的论点有几处经不起推敲.   There are several weak spots in your argument