| - 新型压力管反应堆 advanced pressure tube reactor
- 新型压力管反应堆 aptr
- 新系列开式双柱可倾压力机 new series open-back inclinable power press
- adj. 施加不适当的压力迫使某人改变想法. apply undue pressure to make sb change his mind
- n. 施加压力促使某事物迅速通过、 获准等 get sth passed, accepted, etc quickly by applying pressure
- 施加电压之电流测试 voltage source(force)current measurement
- 施加电压电压测试 voltage source voltage measurement
- 施加电流只电压测试 current source(force)voltage measurement
- n. 施加道德压力的)手段, 方法 means of exerting moral pressure (
- 施胶压榨涂布机 size press coater
- v. 施行虐政,压制,欺压 tyrannize
- 施赖讷压光 Schreiner calendering
- 旋压式压饼机 screw-type cake press
- 旋压成型机床 spin forming machine
- 旋压车床 spinning lathe
- 旋压阀 screw down valve