| - 校对者校对机比较装置分类器 collator
- 校正补偿装置 correction and compensation device
- 校色显示装置 Chromaskop
- n. 校长表扬男同学服装整齐. The headmaster praised the boys for their neat turn-out
- 核动力和燃气轮机联合动力装置 combine nuclear and gas turbine
- 核动力和燃气轮机联合装置 combined nuclear and gas turbine installation
- 核动力和燃汽轮机联合动力装置 combine nuclear and gas turbine
- 核动力脱盐装置 nuclear powered desalination plant
- 核取的装置 checked device
- n. 核子装置(如核弹或核导弹). =>Usage at machine 用法见machine. a nuclear device, eg a nuclear bomb or missile
- 核电站模拟装置 nuclear power plant simulator
- 核聚变试验装置 nuclear fusion test plant
- 根据中子通量密度的对数功率测量装置 logarithmic power measuring assembly based on the neutron flux density
- n. 格子呢绒, 格子花呢, 格子织物, 格子图案, 苏格兰高地人, 格子衣料的服装, 苏格兰格子呢, 格子呢 tartan
- 格子绒全套服装 wool worsted check ensemble
- 格导式集装箱船 cellular container ship