| - 柴油机和燃气轮机联合装置 combined diesel and gas turbine installation
- 柴油机和燃气轮机联合装置 combined diesel and gas turbine machinery
- 柴油机和燃气轮机联合装置 combined diesel engines and gas turbine
- 柴油机或燃气轮机联合装置 combined diesel or gas turbine installation
- 柴油机或燃气轮机联合装置 combined diesel or gas turbines
- 柴油机电力和燃气轮机联合装置 combined diesel-electric and gas turbine machinery
- 柴油机电力推进和燃气轮机联合装置 combined diesel-electric and gas trubine installation
- 柴油电动摇控装置 diesel engine electric remotecontrol unit
- 柴油-发电机和燃气轮机联合装置 combined diesel-electric and gas turbine
- n. 栅, 炉篦, 炉栅, 炉条, 固定筛, 格栅, 晶格, 点阵, 花格, 格状固定装药机构, 炉架, 壁炉, 炉 grate
- 标准测量装置 standard measuring equipment
- 标准牛皮包装纸 standard brown kraft wrapping paper
- n. 标题, 题目, 顶球, 斩首, 去头, 打尖, 摘心, 方向, 艏向, 航向, 磁向, 横坑道, 导坑, 导洞, 巷端, 煤层巷道, 平巷, 风巷, 平向掘进, 砂矿粗粒表层, 精矿, 选矿所得重质部分, 矿车装料的高出部分, 密集节理, 织物褶布成匹的褶边线, 小段布样, 隔码线, 开河线, 头印, 圆筒形堆积法, 露头, 露头砖, 抽穗, 结球, 卷心 heading
- n. 树叶, 叶, 叶子(总称), 叶子, 叶状装饰, 树饰 leafage
- n. 树木整形术(将灌木等修剪成装饰形状, 如鸟、 兽等者) art of clipping shrubs, etc into ornamental shapes such as birds and animals
- 树立;建起;安装;成立;修建;恢复疲劳,休养好 set up