  • n.  向包围的敌人出击.   sally out against the besiegers
  • adj.  向另一国提领土要求(要求该国部分领土).   have territorialclaims against another country, ie claim part of its territory
  • n.  向团部发开始进攻的信号   signal to the regiment for the attack to begin
  • adj.  向外的, 表面的, 外服的, 外面的, 明显的, 公开的, 外界的, 外来的, 肉体的, 物质上的, 嗜酒的, 放荡的, 开往外国的, 外的, 外部的, 外表的, 外面的   outward
  • n.  向她索取的比帐单上显示的数额多4英镑.   She was charged an excess of 4 over the amount stated on the bill
  • n.  向某人指其行为愚蠢   her behaviour
  •   向某人提一连串问题, 紧紧追问某人   shoot questions at sb.
  • v.  向某人提(某事)作为藉口或解释   to sb as an excuse or explanation
  • n.  向某人突然说或提某事物(令人惊奇或猝不及防)   present, introduce or propose sth suddenly to sb as a surprise or without warning
  •   向某人讲心里话, 向某人敞开思想   open one's mind to sb.
  • n.  向法官或陪审团提的意见或论据   opinion or argument presented to a judge or jury
  • n.  向海岸警卫队发求救信号   send an SOS to the coastguard
  • n.  向船只发的大风警告   a gale warning to shipping
  • v.  向读者)充分地表达诗人思想感情的诗篇   what the poet feels (
  • n.  向负责部门提(某事)   to the proper authorities for attention
  • v.  向部长发连珠炮般问题的记者   journalists shooting questions at the minister