| - n. 伦敦黑社会中的警方眼线 police contacts in the London underworld
- n. 估计损耗添量, 运输途中正常消耗, 添量, 添头, 补头 tret
- 估计途中时间 estimated time of enroute
- 估计途中时间 ETE
- 伴随中子通量 adjoint flux
- n. 伸入海中的狭长陆地. a ribbon of land stretching out into the sea
- n. 似井的空间(如建筑物中的楼梯或电梯通道). enclosed space like the shaft of a well, eg one in a building from roof to basement that contains a staircase or lift
- adj. 似旋涡的,旋涡的,在旋涡中转动的 vortiginous
- n. 似蠕虫的)昆虫幼虫(尤指果实或木中的) worm-like larva of an insect, esp in fruit or wood (
- adj. 似)气体的, 充满气体的(尤指液体中充满气泡) of, like or full of gas, esp in the form of bubbles in liquid (
- adj. 位于近中央处的, 位于近中央的 submedian
- 位敏慢中子探测器 position-sensitive slow neutron detector
- 低中子通量密度试验性反应堆 low intensity test reactor
- adj. 低级旅馆中又黑又脏的房间 a dingy room in a cheap hotel
- n. 低音用扩音器, 低音扬声器, 低音喇叭, 收入颇丰的中老年人 woofer
- 低频(无线电波段中30-300千赫范围内的频率). radio frequency of 30 to 300 kilohertz