  •   斜十字方格西装绒   cross-check suiting
  •   斜方古典式毛短袜   classic argyle wool socks
  •   斜方式短袜   argyle-type socks
  •   断开方式   Disconnection Mode (DM)
  •   斯坦福大学精神病学家DavidBurns博士说,这种经历可以帮助病人克服扭曲的思维式。那么面对恐怖主义,该怎么办呢?接受焦虑,但是不要受它控制。当然你不要自个把事情翻来覆去地想个不停。“焦虑是越想越多,”美国精神病学会主席PaulAppelbaum博士这样说道,所以应该告诉家人和朋友。“和别人分担这些担心是非常有用的。”   That experience helps get rid of distorted thinking, says Stanford University psychiatrist Dr. David Burns. What to do in the face of terrorism? Accept your anxiety, but don't let it control you. And certainly don't ruminate on your own. "Anxiety feeds on itself, " says Dr. Paul Appelbaum, president of the American Psychiatric Association, so talk to family and friends."Sharing the concern with others can be enormously helpful."
  • n.  新法、 新技术、 新思想等   instance of this; new technique, idea, etc
  • n.  新法、 新技术等对现代工业的巨大影响.   the impact of new methods, technology, etc on modern industry
  • v.  新法令授予警可在街上截停任何人的权力.   The new laws empower the police to stop anybody in the street
  • n.  新的制造方法的采用.   the introduction of new manufacturing methods
  •   新系列方柱立式钻床   new series vertical drilling machines with square column
  • v.  新职员各面都很顺利.   The new office staff are shaking down well
  •   新起点, 新案, 新政策   a new departure
  •   新进地方电话公司   Carriers (CLEC)
  • n.  方   traditional Chinese medicine colds flu prescriptions
  •   方丝螺钉   square threaded screw
  • n.  位, 位角, 地平经度   azimuth