| - n. 推进剂(如武器的发射火药、 火箭的燃料、 喷雾容器中用以产生压力的压缩气体等). propelling agent, eg an explosive that propels a bullet from a weapon, a fuel that provides thrust for a rocket, or compressed gas that forces out the contents of an aerosol container
- 推进器液压缸 propeller hydraulic cylinder
- 揉压机 kneading compactor
- 揉皱; 压倒; 垮台, 崩溃, 碎裂, 压碎 crumple up
- 提取电压 extraction voltage
- 插入式变压器 plug-in transformer
- 插入式耦合变压器 plug-in coupling transformer
- 搪瓷冲压钢板浴缸 enamelled steel bath
- v. 搬运工扛著这些行李压得直不起腰来. The porter was weighed down by all the luggage
- 摄影机-压接工具轴心偏移 camera-tool offset
- n. 摄影用超压强烈溢光灯, 超压强烈溢光灯 photoflood
- 摆线齿轮油液压马达 cycloid gear hydraulic motor
- 摆轮式压路机 wobble wheel roller
- 摆速回转压缩机 pendulum rotary compressor
- adj. 摇晃欲倒的, 犹豫的, 惊人的, 摇晃的, 使吃惊的, 压倒的, 巨大的, 庞大的, 交错的, 摆动的, 失谐的, 失调的, 难以置信的, 惊愕的, 蹒跚的, 另人惊愕的 staggering
- 摇臂式液压裁料机 swing beam hydraulic cutting machine