| - 浑色绣 multicoloured embroidery
- adj. 浓染的, 拟染色体的 chromatoid
- n. 浓绿色颜料, 翠绿, 铬绿, 酞菁翠绿 viridian
- 浓色平板玻璃 heavy coloured sheet glass
- adj. 浪费的, 放荡的, 沉迷于酒色的, 消散的, 闲游浪荡的 dissipated
- n. 浮雕宝石(刻有浮雕的小硬宝石, 尤指有两层不同颜色者, 一层为背景另一层为浮雕) small piece of hard stone with a raised design, esp one with two coloured layers so that the background is of a different colour from the design
- n. 海军, 海军, 海军人员, 海军部, 舰队, 船队, 深蓝色, 藏青色 navy
- 海岸带彩色扫描 coastal zone color scanner
- 海岸带彩色扫描器 coast zone color scanner
- 海洋灰色布 marine gray cloth
- n. 海湾, 湾, 山脉中凹进的地方, 侧线及其月台, 堤, 森林边缘的草原空地, 马萨诸塞州, 月桂树, 桂冠, 荣誉, 开间, (集装箱)分隔间档, 舱, 隔舱, 枣红马, 栗色马, 低吠声, 狗吠声, 绝路 bay
- n. 海湾周围一大片白色的峭壁. the broad sweep of white cliffs round the bay
- adj. 海湾里平静海水的迷人景色. a magical view over the calm waters of the bay
- 海燕牌彩色电视机 Petrel color TV set
- n. 海石竹(沿海或高山植物, 开鲜艳的粉红色花). seashore or alpine plant with bright pink flowers
- adj. 海绿色(的). bluish-green, like the colour of the clean sea