| - 飞禽标本 birds specimen
- 飞行活动目标指示器 air moving target indicator
- n. 飞镳, 投射, 标枪, 镖, 箭, 掷标游戏, 突进, 螯, 刺, 飞快的动作, 飞快一瞥, 突然的刺痛, 暗针, 近程导弹, 突然而急促的动作, (衣服上的)缝摺, 投镖游戏 dart
- 食品产品标准 food product standard
- 食品分析方法标准 food analysing standard methed
- 食品卫生质量指标 indicator of food hygiene quality
- 食品工业标准化 food industry standardization
- 饮用水标准 drinking water standard
- 首相在电视广播中公布了内阁的工作目标. The Prime Minister set forth the aims of his government in a television broadcast
- n. 首词(标题或起首用的词, 如词典词条中用粗体刊出的第一个词). word forming a heading, eg the first word, in heavy type, of a dictionary entry
- n. 马场上的)终点标柱 post that marks the end of a race (
- 马路标线漆 road marking paint
- 验收质量标准 acceptable quality level
- 骷髅画, 骷髅旗(旧时为海盗旗标志, 现作危险标志, 尤用於毒药瓶上). picture of a skull above two crossed bones, once used on the flags of pirates' ships and now to warn of danger, eg on bottles of poison
- 高于标准杆 Over par
- 高出目标很远; 答非所问 over[answer]wide of the mark