  • v.  史密斯辞职了.'`我从报纸上也能看他得辞职.'   Smith's resigned.' `I gathered as much from the newspapers.' `
  • adj.  叶柄的, 生在叶柄上的, 从叶柄上伸的, 柄的   petiolar
  • n.  号角、 笛等发的)短鸣, 嘟嘟声.   short sound from a horn, whistle, etc (
  •   司机室出租汽车   C battery cab
  • vi.  叹息, 叹气, 风发类似叹息的声音, (与for连用)渴望, 思念, (对过去或远方的事物感到深深的遗憾而)悲叹   sigh
  • v.  吃喝时别发这麽大的声音!   Stop slurping
  • v.  吃或喝时嘴唇发的响声.   sound of slurping
  • v.  吃或喝(某物)时嘴唇发很响的声音   make a loud noise with the lips as one eats or drinks (sth)
  •   各类鞋减价5英镑出售.   Shoes are on sale with £5 off
  • n.  合法, 合法化, 认为嫡   legitimation
  • adj.  吉尔和她的那些爱风头的朋友.   Jill and her swanky friends
  • n.  同厂工人选的)工会发言人.   trade union official elected by his fellow-workers as their spokesman (
  •   同时动两辆消防车的消防中队   two-piece company
  • n.  同时现或产生的)一群(人), 一批(事物)   of sth group of people or quantity of things appearing or produced at the same time (
  • n.  同类企业中业绩极突者.   one of the most successful enterprises of its kind
  • adj.  同龄发生的, 同期发生的, 在后裔身上现的时期与在母体上现的时期相同的   homochronous