| - 人造黄油包装机 margarine packager
- 什色涤棉卡其男女童套装 terylene cotton colored drill suit for boys and girls
- 什色涤棉婴儿童装 terylene colored suit for infants
- 什色麻棉男女童套装 RC colored suits for boys and girls
- n. 仆人的制服, (侍从的)制服, 侍从, (贵族家中规定仆人穿的衣服)制服, 特定服装 livery
- 介质损耗测量装置 dielectric loss measuring set
- n. 从云隙射下的阳光, 镶有钻石的旭日形首饰, 入射的阳光, 阳光突现, 旭日形装饰或图形, 嵌有宝石的旭日形饰针 sunburst
- 从容器中汲取(尤指桶装的啤酒) on `draught drawn from a container, esp of beer from a barrel
- 从旁装料的摊铺机 side loading paver
- vt. 从板条箱中取出, 打开…的包装, 拆箱取出 uncrate
- n. 从者, 属下, 追补者, 追随者, 拥护者, 信徒, 跟踪者, 模仿者, 效法者, 随员, 部下, 侍从, 追求女人者, 跟踪装置, 从动件, 附页, 增音器, 重发器, 输出器 follower
- n. 他一做家务事就装成舍生取义的样子. He always acts the martyr when he has to do the housework
- n. 他一块一块地装配飞机模型. He assembled the model aircraft bit by bit
- v. 他们为远征治装. They equipped themselves for the expedition
- adj. 他们已将饭店装修了一番, 但饭菜并无改进. They've tarted up the restaurant but the food hasn't improved
- n. 他们带著全副装备行军二十英里. They marched twenty miles in full kit