| - n. 他思想上的一片茫然、 言语的空洞无物. the total vacuity of his thoughts, statements
- n. 他悻悻然踱出了房间. He stalked angrily out of the room
- v. 他情绪极不稳定(如由高兴突然变为绝望). He is liable to abrupt swings in mood, eg from happiness to despair
- n. 他想了片刻, 然後说. He thought for a moment and then spoke
- 他想参军, 但因身体不好被断然拒绝. because of poor health
- v. 他想抓住那男孩儿, 然而那孩子还是跌倒了. He grabbed at the boy, but could not save him from falling
- adj. 他打在对手身上的重拳显然非常有力. His punches to his opponent's body proved especially telling
- v. 他把婴儿哄得安然入睡. He hushed the baby to sleep
- adj. 他把它从架子顶层上取下来, 然後又放回到原处. He took it off the top shelf and put it back in the same place
- v. 他把裤子往上拉起, 然後坐下. He hitched up his trousers before sitting down
- adv. 他抱怨了吗?'`他当然抱怨了.' Did he complain?' `Indeed he did.' `
- v. 他提出的缺席理由显然是瞎编的. The reason he gave for his absence was obviously fabricated
- v. 他既然说出那样的话了, 我也只好同意了. When he said that, I had to agree
- adv. 他显然不受欢迎. He was plainly unwelcome
- conj. 他显然在撒谎--是不是呢? He was obviously lying or was he?
- v. 他显然想要得到表扬. He was obviously expecting to be praised