| - v. 在翻地时将某物混入土壤中 mix sth with soil by digging
- n. 在足球、 曲棍球、 橄榄球中)将球传、 踢、 击、 掷给己方队员 to a player of one's own side (
- adj. 在那一边的, 那一边的, 较远的, 以后的, 进一步的, 隐藏的, 心里的, 不可告人的, 隐秘的, 未揭露的, 将来的, 遥远的, 在那边的, 隐蔽的 ulterior
- adv. 在那里建新工厂将严重损害环境. Building a new factory there would be environmentally disastrous
- adj. 在)可预见的将来. when one knows what is going to happen (
- adj. 垂死的, 濒死的, 即将消灭的, 不进步的, 呆滞的, 即将结束的, 濒临死亡的 moribund
- 塑料麻将牌 plastic majiang set
- n. 士兵们排成单行进入阅兵场自将军面前走过. The men filed onto the parade ground and past the general
- n. 多技术读卡器将 Prox 125
- adj. 多狂风的, 天气将愈变愈坏的, 可怕的, 起风暴的, 天气愈变愈坏的 squally
- n. 多种游戏中将球等击入的)洞或孔 hollow or cavity into which a ball, etc must be hit in various games (
- 夜间保险箱(装於银行外墙内的保险箱, 客户可在银行下班後将金钱等存放其中). safe in the outside wall of a bank where money, etc can be deposited when the bank is closed
- v. 夜间请务必将所有的灯关掉. Please ensure that all the lights are switched off at night
- n. 大多数政治家将在下周展开竞选活动. on the hustings in the coming week
- v. 大祸即将临头的那些日子. the days that preceded the final catastrophe
- n. 大约十三岁左右的孩童, 将满十三岁的儿童 subteen