| - 汽车用液压千斤顶 hydraulic auto jack
- 沟槽千分尺 fluted micrometer
- 沟用千斤顶 trench jack
- adj. 没有变化的, 千篇一律的, 单一的, 无变化的 undiversified
- n. 油轮需求量下降使造船业成千上万的工作职位受到威胁. placed thousands of jobs in the shipbuilding industry in jeopardy
- n. 洪水过後成千上万人离乡背井 the evacuation of thousands of people after a flood
- 活动千分尺 adjustable micrometer calliper
- 测厚千分尺 measuring thickness micrometer
- n. 测微计, 千分尺 micrometer
- 液压千斤顶支架 prop stand for hydraulic jack
- 液压双动千斤顶 hydraulic double-action jack
- 液压抑制千斤顶 hydraulic curb jack
- 液压落地千斤顶 hydraulic floor jack
- 深弓架千分尺 deep arch micrometer
- n. 游尺, 游标, 游标尺, 微分尺, 千分尺, 微调刻度板, 微调发动机, 游尺 vernier
- 滚动千斤顶 roller jack