| - 放弃单调乏味的生活方式, 改变因循守旧的习惯 get out of the groove
- n. 政党, 聚会, 开派对, 党, 党派, 团体, 结党, 党派活动, 同伙, 参加某项活动的一伙人, 随行人员, 集会, 宴会等, 特遣队, 部队, 当事人, 参与者, 一方, 一个人, 一伙人, 宴会, (诉讼、协约、会议的)一方, 当事人, 社交会 party
- n. 政党的地方决策委员会. local organizing committee of a political party, which decides policy, etc
- n. 政府、 政党、 公司等的)方针, 政策 plan of action, statement of ideals, etc proposed or adopted by a government, political party, business, etc (
- n. 政府为争取选票而花费在地方项目上的款项. government money spent on local projects in order to win votes
- n. 政府命令警方进一步打击犯罪活动. The government gave the police a mandate to reduce crime
- n. 政府在经济政策上受到各方的严厉批评. The government is under fire from all sides on its economic policy
- adj. 政府想把更多的资源用於教育方面. The government intends to free more resources for educational purposes
- v. 政府抑制通胀有方, 此话不假, 可是对失业问题又怎麽处理呢? This government has a good record on inflation, I give you that, but what is it doing about unemployment?
- n. 政府派警方出动恢复治安. The government ordered the police out to restore order in the streets
- n. 政府经济措施方面的紧缩 the austerity of the Government's economic measures
- n. 政府资助的提供廉价教科书的方案 a government-sponsored cheap textbooks scheme
- n. 政府雇员宣誓不泄露官方机密. Government employees swear an oath not to reveal official secrets
- 政改方案(英国对香港) constitutional package
- n. 政治手段, 行动方针, 行动新方针 demarche
- suff. 政治经济学方面的文章 an essay on political economy