| - adj. 他衣冠楚楚, 在俱乐部中如鹤立鸡群. His formal clothes made him the odd one out in the club
- adj. 他被迫离去, 慌忙中未穿裤子十分不雅. forced to make a hasty and indecorous departure without his trousers
- n. 他装著不认识她, 其实他们暗中勾结(在一起). He pretended not to know her but in fact they were in league (together).
- adj. 他言语中敌意昭彰, 我们深感遗憾. We deplore the vitriolic nature of his remarks
- n. 他认为波士顿是世界的中心. He thinks that Boston is the hub of the universe
- n. 他讲了一个有趣的故事作他演说中重要内容的引子. He told an amusing story as a lead-in to the serious part of his speech
- adj. 他讲话很不中听(言语粗野或尖刻). He has a rough tongue, ie often speaks rudely or sharply
- v. 他讲道中宣讲反对暴力的道理. He preached against violence
- v. 他话中的言外之意. the hidden import of his speech
- adj. 他走进战俘营中, 身上未带任何武器. He walked into the camp unarmed
- prep. 他转身走开, 消失在夜幕中. He turned and walked off into the night
- n. 他那些怪话使我们心中生疑, 不知他精神是否正常. His strange remarks planted doubts in our minds about his sanity
- v. 他那本书大部分都是从研究那个时期的著作中剽窃的内容. He has plagiarized most of the book from earlier studies of the period
- adj. 他非常讨厌她从中干预. at her interference
- v. 他非法将他人的珠宝从银行保险箱中取走. He expropriated the jewels from the bank's safe
- n. 他靠(好)运气在竞赛中获胜. fortune, he won the competition