| - 服装、纺织品等(与食品杂货相对). clothing, textiles, etc (as opposed to groceries)
- n. 服装上的)褶饰 type of decoration on a garment made by gathering the cloth tightly with stitches (
- n. 服装业中的外包工通常工酬菲薄. Outworkers in the clothing industry are usually badly paid
- 服装人体模型 dress form
- 服装人体模型 dress stand
- 服装出口委员会 Clothing Export Council
- n. 服装制作人经销商或出租商(尤指戏装) person who makes, deals in, or hires out costumes, esp for theatrical performances
- v. 服装剪裁的)式样, 款式 style in which a garment is made by cutting (
- 服装剪裁纸 tailor paper
- 服装图样纸 pattern paper
- 服装图样薄纸 pattern tissue
- n. 服装店的人体模型. a tailor's dummy
- n. 服装或帽子的)新式样 new type of garment or hat (
- n. 服装或鞋)便於穿上或脱下的(不用系扣等的). made to be slipped on without fastening buttons, etc (
- 服装法兰绒 dress flannel
- 服装用网眼纱 dress net