  • n.  挽救该公司的唯一办法是彻底改变其经营式.   The only thing that will save the company is a thorough shake-up of the way it is run
  • v.  捉住对的后(国际象棋中).   capture one's opponent's queen, ie in a game of chess
  • n.  捐献, 订金, 订阅, 签署, 赞助, 签名, 有签名的文件, 预订, 预定费, 订阅费, 认捐, 认缴, 调剂附注, 捐助, 捐款, 订购, 捐助金, 同意, 下标处   subscription
  •   损伤演化方程   damage evolution equation
  •   换一个地; 改变立场, 观点   shift one's ground
  •   换档, 变速; 改变式或办法   shift gear(s)
  • n.  掌权的、 科学面的精英   the ruling, scientific elite
  • n.  排成单行沿某向前进或行走   in, out, off, past, etc march or walk in the specified direction in a single line
  • adj.  排成四方阵的士兵.   soldiers drawn up in squares
  •   排水方法   de-water
  • n.  掠夺行为, 捕食其他动物的生存法   predation
  • n.  探险队到过很多地. In addition, the ground is the solid surface under our feet when we are in the open air 此外, 当人们在露天活动时, the ground可用以指地面   The expedition covered a lot of ground.
  •   接收端方向滤波器   receiving directional filter
  •   接近, 近似, 约等于; (做某事)的法[途径]   approach to
  •   接近方法   mean of access
  •   控制击球方向   Control shot