中Chinese English Phrase:
| - n. 他生活毫无规律, 於贫困中死去. He led a disordered life and died in poverty
- v. 他用手杖向那条狗打去, 但没打中. He swiped at the dog with his stick, but missed
- n. 他用肘开路, 从人群中挤出. He elbowed his way through the crowd
- adj. 他百发百中. His aim was unerring
- v. 他的两个儿子都在战争中死了. in the war
- n. 他的事务所位於市中心. His practice is in the centre of the city
- v. 他的仇人竭力想把他牵扯进谋杀案中. His enemies tried to implicate him (in the murder).
- n. 他的作品中有很多处模仿莎士比亚. There are many echoes of Shakespeare in his work
- v. 他的信中充满阿谀之词. His letter was dripping with flattery
- v. 他的勇气在艰难困苦中经受了严峻的考验. His courage was severely tried by his ordeal
- 他的口袋被掏了(衣袋中有东西被窃). He had his pocket picked, ie Something was stolen from his pocket
- n. 他的品性中没有忌妒. Jealousy is not part of his make-up
- v. 他的失利结束了美国在该项运动中称霸的地位. His defeat ended American domination of the sport
- v. 他的失败似乎是命中注定的. It seemed that his failure was predestined
- n. 他的头发是中分的. He parts his hair in the middle
- v. 他的手臂在战争中打断了. His arm was shot off in the war