| - v. 取出某人的肠子(通常作为死刑的一部分). , usu as part of an execution
- 取出物 extract
- n. 取出肚肠, 剜出内容物 exenteration
- n. 取出肾结石的手术. Cf 参看 gallstone (gall). an operation to remove `kidney stones
- n. 取出货物,拆包 unpacking
- v. 取出(包装之物) take out (things packed)
- n. 取出(鱼等)的内脏. take the guts out of (a fish, etc)
- 取出;割掉;拔去;取得;擦掉;洗掉;请人(吃饭,看戏等) take out
- 取出;拔出; (火车,汽车)缓缓开出; (白天)逐渐变长;拉长,延长;拟订 draw out
- n. 取回, 恢复, 修补, 取回, 挽回, 挽救, 拯救, 修正, 弥补, 补偿, 信息检索, 拆垛, 出库, 重获 retrieval
- adj. 受伤的14人其後全部出院. All 14 injured were later discharged from hospital
- adj. 受伤的男子仍不很清醒, 只能含糊地说出事故的情形. The injured man was still groggy and could only give a garbled account of the accident
- adj. 受伤的足球队员跛著脚慢慢走出埸地. The injured footballer limped slowly off the field
- v. 受聘将房子立即出售的律师. a lawyer engaged to undertake the sale of the house immediately
- 受贿赂故意输掉, 出卖比赛 sell a match [game]
- n. 受过特殊训练的狗能嗅出毒品. Specially-trained dogs can smell out drugs