| - n. 他是无意中损坏的吗?'`不, 是故意的.' Did he break it accidentally?' `No, on purpose.' `
- v. 他曾在地区的综合中学受教育. He was educated at the local comprehensive school
- n. 他有幽默感, 这使他在逆境中聊以自慰. His sense of humour was a useful buffer when things were going badly for him
- 他来找我时是想到我或许有可能正在家中. He came on the off chance of finding me at home
- v. 他极力克制郁积在心中的怒气. He managed to subdue his mounting anger
- adj. 他正是谚语中所说的那种方枘圆凿不得其所的人. He is the proverbial square peg in a round hole
- n. 他正考虑辞去(委员会中的)职务. He is considering resignation (from the Board).
- v. 他毫无保留地(直言不讳地)述说了他在监狱中的事. of his time in prison
- n. 他永远留在我们的记忆中. His memory will always remain with us, ie We will always remember him
- v. 他没有看出第一页中有个拼写错误. He overlooked a spelling error on the first page
- n. 他注定在贫困中死去. He was fated to die in poverty
- adj. 他演讲中配上幻灯片, 比其他演讲人更吸引听众. He upstaged the other speakers by illustrating his talk with slides
- n. 他熟悉自己管辖区中每所房子. He knows every house in his patch
- n. 他猛然从水中挑起鱼竿. He jerked the fishing-rod out of the water
- v. 他现已从中风病完全康复了. He's now fully recovered from his stroke
- n. 他生活中颇多不幸. He has had many sorrows in his life