  • v.  他扑通一声跌入水中.   He fell into the water with a splash
  • n.  他打不那样远的目标的.   He won't hit the target at that distance
  • n.  他打鸟未打中.   He shot at the bird but missed
  • n.  他批评得十分尖刻, 与会议的友好气氛很不协调.   His harsh criticism jarred with the friendly tone of the meeting
  • v.  他把手标枪握稳後掷了出去.   He poised the javelin in his hand before throwing it
  •   他把每月工资的一半攒起来作计画的滑雪度假之用.   He puts half of his salary each month towards the skiing holiday he's planning
  • v.  他抢走我手的提包就跑了.   He just grabbed the bag from my hand and ran off
  • n.  他推断, 我们要是黎明出发, 午就能到.   He reasoned that if we started at dawn, we would be there by noon
  • n.  他摔坏了腿, 度假只好止.   When he broke his leg it put the kybosh on his holiday
  • n.  他无动於衷使她心的怨恨火上加油.   His indifference was a fuel to her hatred
  •   他是她两个儿子的长子.   He was the elder of her two sons
  • n.  他是家中个子最高的.   the family
  • n.  他是家叫人为难的人.   He's an embarrassment to hisfamily
  • adj.  他是当今公众事务最受大家爱戴的人.   figures in public life today
  • n.  他是当前传播媒介最红的人(最受欢迎的人).   of the media just now
  • adj.  他是我两兄弟年岁较大的.   He is the elder of my two brothers