| - adj. 指地方)似无人管理的, 破烂的, 被离弃的 looking uncared for; wretched or forsaken (
- adj. 指地方)冷清的, 不热闹的 not very busy; without much activity (
- adj. 指地方)冷落的, 偏僻的, 凄凉的 dismal; wretched (
- adj. 指地方)受强风吹的 exposed to strong winds (
- n. 指地方)可避风、 雨等的 not exposed to wind, rain, etc (
- adj. 指地方)很少有人去的或见的 not visited or seen by many people (
- adj. 指地方)无人烟的, 荒凉的, 荒芜的 deserted and miserable (
- adj. 指地方)无遮蔽处的, 荒凉的 not giving shelter; unpleasant to be in (
- adj. 指地方)极简陋的, 令人沮丧的 depressingly plain; gloomy (
- v. 指士兵、 警方等)出击、 巡逻等 carry out raids, patrols, etc (
- adj. 指婚姻)贵贱联姻的(地位高的子弟, 如王子, 娶地位低的女子, 女方须保持其平民身分, 子女亦不得继承父亲的财产或头衔). and a woman of lower rank who keeps her lower status, the children having no claim to the property, titles, etc of their father (
- 指定分配方法 Assignment method
- 指定收信人住址代码呼叫方向码 call direction code
- adv. 指平面或区域)沿著, 顺著(面对的方向) along; towards the direction in which one is facing (
- n. 指引, 指导方针, 方针 guideline
- adj. 指态度、 说话方式等)乾脆的, 斩钉截铁的 brisk, precise and decisive (