| - n. 合同中该条款包括在内. the inclusion of the clause in the contract
- 名胜掌故晚会(在著名的建筑物或场所就地举行, 以讲述和表演的形式再现该处历史, 并配以灯光和音响效果) night-time entertainment at a famous building or place, where its history is told and acted with special lighting and sound effects
- adj. 向另一国提出领土要求(要求该国部分领土). have territorialclaims against another country, ie claim part of its territory
- 吸烟对你很不好, 应该戒掉. Smoking's bad for you; you ought to pack it in
- vt. 咒, 诅咒, 该死! beshrew
- vt. 咒骂, 该死, 见鬼 drat
- 咬人的疯狗身上的毛(英国古时迷信说法, 人被狗咬伤后, 可剪该狗身上的毛烧成灰敷); 用以攻毒的毒 a hair of the (same) dog (that bit one)
- 咬人的疯狗身上的毛(英国古时迷信说法, 人被狗咬伤后, 可剪该狗身上的毛烧成灰敷); 用以攻毒的毒 the hair of the (same) dog (that bit one)
- adj. 咱们应该把一切都安排妥当了再走. We should get everything square before we leave
- n. 咱们该回去了吧? 天快黑了. Isn't it time we started back? It's getting dark
- adj. 咱们该结帐了. It's time we squared up, ie settled our accounts
- v. 咱们该考虑钱的问题了. It's time to turn our attention to the question of money
- n. 售旗募捐日(该日於公共场所募捐, 捐款者获小纸旗或标贴). day on which money is collected in public places for a charity, a small paper flag or sticker being given to those who contribute
- v. 商店该关门了. It's time to shut the shop
- 因为发报人要求请将该电注销 cancel at sender's request
- n. 因出生的造化, 他成为英国公民(因有缘生於该地). he is entitled to British citizenship