| - 参加(考试或比赛) or take part in (a competition)
- v. 参加(考试) sth be a candidate for (an examination)
- 参照系, 参考系统, 参考坐标[标架], 读数[计算]系统,空间坐标,基准标架 frame of reference (=reference frame)
- n. 参考, 出处, 参照, 查询, 询问, 访问, 提到, 涉及, 有关系, 职权范围, 证明, 介绍, 证明信, 参考文献, 说明书, 附注, 引证, 基准, 标准, 依据, 坐标, 标记, 读数起点位置, (与to连用)提及, 涉及, 查询, 鉴定, 提及, 参考书目, 证明书, 介绍信 reference
- vt. 参考, 查阅, 咨询, (常与with连用)商量, 请教 consult
- 参考书, 工具书(如百科全书或词典). book, eg an encyclopedia or a dictionary, which is consulted for information, not read right through
- 参考书的负面效应 My View on the Negative Effects of Reference Books
- 参考书阅览室(藏书仅供室内参阅, 不外借). library or room having books that may be consulted on the premises, but not borrowed
- 参考书,工具书 reference book
- 参考信号 reference signal
- 参考呼叫 call by reference
- 参考坐标格网 grid reference
- 参考效应 reference effect
- 参考构形 reference configuration
- 参考栅 reference grating
- 参考椭圆体 reference ellipsoid