| - n. 公民投票, 普通投票, 请示书, 公民所投的票, 复决投票, 外交官请示书, 公民表决 referendum
- n. 公民投票(的表决) direct vote by all qualified citizens on an important political matter
- adj. 公民的义务、 责任. civic duties, responsibilities etc
- adj. 公民自由权利的积极捍卫者. a passionate defender of civil liberties
- n. 公民资格, 公民身分(尤指公民的权利和义务) being a citizen, esp of a particular country, with the rights and duties that involves
- n. 共和国, 联邦, 公民(社会), 团体, 国家, [美]州(只用于Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Kentucky州), 全体国民, 英联邦, 国民整体 commonwealth
- n. 共用权, 共有地, 大众, (牧场的)共用权, 公地, [集合词]民众 commonage
- 关于油污损害民事责任保险或其他财务保证证书 certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of civil liability for oil pollution damage
- 关于解决国家与他国国民之间的投资争端的公约 Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nations of Other States
- n. 关押囚犯或收容难民的地方(常指长期的) place where prisoners or refugees are kept, often for long periods
- n. 关着栏栅的部落, 牛栏, 村庄, 村中居民, 羊栏, 浅滩围场, (南非的)牛栏 kraal
- 关系民生的产品 products vital to the people's livelihood
- n. 具有[被授予]统治各民族、 生杀予夺等的权力. be given dominion over peoples, lives, etc
- adj. 具有民族风味的饭店. an ethnic restaurant
- adj. 典型的殖民地建筑风格的(尤指於17和18世纪在北美的英国殖民地所采用的) in a style of architecture typical of a colony, esp that used in the British colonies in N America in the 17th and 18th centuries
- vt. 再安顿,再建立,使在新地方定居,使再殖民 resettle