日Chinese English Phrase:
| - adj. 他们为生存日日进行的坚苦挣扎. their grim day-to-day struggle for survival
- v. 他们之间的友谊日益亲密. A close friendship gradually grew up between them
- 他们假日要去的地方是西班牙. It's `Spain that they're going to on holiday
- n. 他们日常饮食中蛋白质含量不足, 因而身体虚弱. They were weakened by a diet that was low in protein
- adj. 他们这些日子神气活现, 大概不再和我们这样的普通人说话了. They're so grand these days that they probably don't talk to ordinary mortals like us any more
- n. 他们重逢时, 昔日之明争暗斗旋即死灰复燃. Their old rivalry soon surfaced when they met again
- n. 他凝视著镜中自己日见花白的头发, 感慨岁月不待人. He gazed ruefully in the mirror at his greying locks
- v. 他嗔怪队里没要他, 连日生著闷气. He's been sulking for days about being left out of the team
- lat. 他因昨日忘了多买些咖啡, 今晨早餐上遂成为家中众矢之的. He forgot to buy more coffee yesterday, so he was persona non grata at breakfast this morning
- adj. 他因近日患病, 这种表现是可以理解的. His behaviour is explicable in the light of his recent illness
- v. 他在城里挨家挨户兜售日用百货. He peddled small household articles around the town
- v. 他在想那些日子现在已显得多麽遥远. How distant those times seemed now, he reflected
- n. 他对工作日渐不能胜任 his increasing incapacity for work
- n. 他已94岁, 神志日衰. He's 94 and his mind is going, ie he is becoming senile
- v. 他希望女儿终日听他支使. He expects his daughter to fetch and carry for him all day
- v. 他希望筹集到资金以便拍一部关於日本的影片. He hopes to find the money to produce a film about Japan