  • v.  强奸案是越来越多了?   Is rape on the increase?
  • adj.  强烈的反对、 抗议、 认、 攻击等   a vehement objection, protest, denial, attack, etc
  •   当他终於离职时,大家都很震惊。他明白表示受到的伤害,但大家坚持他们并无意识到自己的作为。“决不要透露你的离意,则下意识,大家会表现的好像你已经离开。”   When he eventually quit, everyone was surprised. He explained how ostracized he felt, but they insisted that they had no idea they were acting that way toward him. "Never tell them you might leave -- subconsciously or otherwise, they'll act as if you already have."
  •   当局是已得知(此事)?   Have the authorities been notified (of this)?
  • n.  彼得问那年轻人是真心实意要娶他的女儿.   Peter asked the young man if his intentions were honourable, ie if he intended to marry his daughter, whom he was courting
  •   忍心做某事[主要用于定句或疑问句, 与 can, could 连用]   find it in oneself to do sth.
  • n.  怀疑某人是有权力[权利]做某事   right to do sth
  • n.  怀疑某人神志是正常.   questionsb's sanity
  •   怀疑自己能作出正确决断.   be mistrustful of one's ability to make the right decision
  • n.  总统决了削减税收的议案.   The President vetoed the tax cuts
  • adv.  我不知道他是曾考虑过我的感受. (Ever is rarely used in the answer   I wondered if he'd ever stopped to think how I felt.
  • adv.  我不知道他说的是是实话.   whether he's telling the truth or not
  • conj.  我不知道我是否能来.   I don't know whether I will be able to come
  • v.  我不知道是能来, 但是我尽可能来.   I don't know if I can come, but I'll try
  • n.  我不知道是还能再见到他们,'他沉思自问.   I wonder if I shall ever see them again,' he mused. `
  • adj.  我不能肯定事实是如此.   I'm unsure of the facts