| - 劳驾你..., 请你... I'll trouble you to
- 劳驾帮我拿拿箱子好吗? to help me with my cases?
- comb form 劳驾把盐递给我. Would you pass the salt, please?
- 劳驾请经理接电话. Could you put me through to the manager, please
- adj. 勤劳的, 勤奋的, 刻苦的, 奋发的, 勤勉的 industrious
- 勤劳而塌实地工作以完成某事 work hard and steadily to complete sth
- adj. 勤奋过度的, 过分用功的, 过于勤劳的 overdiligent
- 匹美劳肽 Pimelautide
- 匹美劳肽 Lauroyltetrapeptide
- v. 医生让我们注意病人不可过劳. The doctor warned us against overtiring the patient
- adj. 千方百计振兴渔业注定徒劳无功. All attempts to revive the fishing industry were foredoomed to failure
- 卡劳特电池 Callaud cell
- 卡拉克劳德醋酯短纤 Calacloud
- 卡维劳尔耐纶丝绒 cavelour
- 反向扭转疲劳试验机 reverse torsion fatigue testing machine
- adj. 反映劳动人民生活的纪录片. documentary films showing the lives of working people