| - n. 先在, 前世, 灵魂先在, 先存在 preexistence
- n. 先在汽车上抹些肥皂再清洗. soap the car and then rinse it
- adj. 先在的, 先存的 preexistent
- 先在的理解 Pre-understanding
- v. 先在皮子上扎眼然後再缝 pierce holes in leather before sewing it
- 先天与后天,遗传与环境 nature-nurture
- 先天性代谢障碍 Congenital Dysbolism
- 先天性凹凸胸矫正术 Reconstruction of congenital funnel or pigeon chest
- 先天性十二指肠闭锁或轮状胰 Congenital Duodenal Atresia, or Annular Pancreas
- 先天性吸收不良 congenital malabsorption
- 先天性家族性非溶血性黄疸 congenital familial nonhemolytic jaundice
- 先天性心病 congenital heart disease
- 先天性无神经巨结肠症 Congenital Megacolon, total aganglionosis, pull-through
- 先天性汞中毒 congenital mercury poisoning
- adj. 先天性白痴、 梅毒患者等. a congenital idiot, syphilitic, etc
- n. 先天性的)畸形足. foot that is deformed from birth (