| - n. 充气, 通风, 通气, 吹风, 换气, 充气法, 分解, 松砂, 气化, 起沫, 牛奶中的小气泡 aeration
- vi. 充气,膨胀 inflate
- v. 充气,让空气进入 aerate
- 充气/水阀 air/water valve
- 充气乳房造影术 aeromammography
- 充气二极管开关 gas-diode switch
- 充气压力指示器 charge pressure indicator
- 充气压力温度计 inflation pressure thermometer
- 充气压缩机 charging compressor
- 充气双绞丝灯泡 gas-filled dual coil lamp bulb
- n. 充气器, 通风装置 aerator
- 充气四极管张弛振荡器 gas-tetrode relaxation oscillator
- n. 充气垫(如於海滨供躺卧用的). type of lightweight inflatable mattress for lying on, eg at the beach
- 充气密封连接器 pressurized connector
- 充气式救生筏 inflatable life-raft
- 充气式气管套管袖带 Inflatable tracheal tube cuff