| - v. 发出雷射光,以雷射光照射 lase
- v. 发出震耳欲聋的号叫声. let out an ear-splitting yell
- 发出骚乱声、 嘈杂声、 争吵声等 set up a commotion, din, row, etc
- n. 发出鸣声或嘟嘟声, 号角, 饮酒狂饮, 作乐, 蒸馏酒, 一口酒, 圆锥形容器, 无用的人, 傻子, 嘟嘟声, 痛饮, 纵乐 toot
- v. 发出齿擦音, 丝丝作响, 发出齿擦音, 咝咝作响 sibilate
- n. 发出(乐音、 声音等) produce (a musical note, sound, etc)
- 发出(传票) issue (a document that requires sb to appear in court)
- v. 发出(光或热) send out rays of (light or heat)
- 发出(叫喊等) utter (a cry, etc)
- v. 发出(某声音) UTTERING OR DECLARING 出声或宣布 16 [Tn] utter (the specified sound)
- n. 发出(某种微笑) give (the specified type of smile)
- v. 发出`嘶'声 make a sound like that of a long `s
- adj. 发动机出什麽故障了? 噪音太大了. with the engine? It's making an awful noise
- v. 发动机发出一阵微弱的嗒嗒声後停了下来. The engine sputtered feebly for a while and then stopped
- 发动机发出一阵轧轧声, 随即停了下来. The engine gave forth a grinding noise, then stopped
- 发动机排出物 engin out-emission