非Chinese English Phrase:
| - n. 非法占有者, 霸占者, 强占者 deforciant
- 非法合同 Illegal contract
- n. 非法同居, 纳妾, 姘居, 蓄妾, 妾的地位 concubinage
- n. 非法售酒处(尤指美国禁酒时期). place where alcohol may be bought illegally (esp formerly in the US during Prohibition)
- adv. 非法地, 不正当地 unlawfully
- adv. 非法地, 不法地 illegally
- 非法尝试计数器 Wrong Attempt Counter (WAC)
- 非法干涉 illegal intervention
- 非法干预 unlawful interference
- adj. 非法庭的,不适于法庭的,不适于公开辩论的 unforensic
- n. 非法或秘密活动的掩蔽物 something that serves to hide an illegal or a secret activity
- 非法或非法获得之物品的)黑市价格 price for which sth illegal or illegally obtained can be sold (
- 非法持、私藏枪支、弹药罪 crime of illegally holding or hiding a firearm or ammunition
- 非法政权 outlaw regime
- 非法教唆他人作伪证 subornation of perjury
- 非法留置的动产回复令状 detinue