  • n.  把东西放到该放的地去.   Put everything away in its correct place
  • adj.  把你的汽车)停放在离路边石九英寸的地.   about nine inches clear of the kerb. (
  • v.  把信放在谁也找不到的地   shut the letters away where no one will find them
  •   把兔子从躲藏的地赶出来(以供猎取); 话离本题; 提出枝节问题, 转移目标   start a hare
  •   把学生的兴趣尽力引导到理科面.   Try to orientate your students towards the science subjects
  • adj.  把它放在安全的地方.   Put it in a safe place, ie where it will not be stolen, lost, etc
  •   把它放在我们都看得见的地.   Put it where we can all see it
  • v.  把对的抽球、 发球、 凌空球击回.   return a shot, service, volley, etc
  • adj.  把木材加工成长方体   square timber, ie give it rectangular edges
  • v.  把某人交给(负责人、 警等)   A supermarket turns over its stock very rapidly. 超级市场货物周转得非常快. turn sb over to sb deliver sb to (the authorities, the police, etc)
  • v.  把某程式、 论据、 问题化为最简单形式   reduce an equation, argument, issue to its simplest form
  •   把某物放在看得见用得著的地   place sth where it will be noticed and used
  • v.  把词典放在(伸手)够得著的地   reach
  • v.  把这地好好打扫一下.   give the place a good spring-clean(ing)
  • v.  把那些药放在孩子够不著的地.   out of the children's reach
  • n.  把金额记入某人银行帐户的贷   record an amount as being paid into sb's bank account