| - v. 他们心中酝酿已久的革命计画. plans for revolution that had long been incubating in their minds
- n. 他们打算改革监狱制度的想法纯粹是空中楼阁. Their ideas about reforming the prison system are just pie in the sky
- adj. 他们把伏特加酒倒入她的果汁中, 把她灌醉. They've put vodka in her fruit juice to get her drunk
- n. 他们新闻工作中的淫言秽语. the scurrility of their journalism
- n. 他们日常饮食中蛋白质含量不足, 因而身体虚弱. They were weakened by a diet that was low in protein
- n. 他们是中午到的. They arrived at noon
- adj. 他们深深地潜入海中. They dived deep into the ocean
- v. 他们漫步走出去, 消失在黑暗中. They wandered out into the darkness
- adj. 他们的利润十年中增长至四倍[他们使利润在十年中增长至四倍]. They have quadrupled their profits in ten years
- n. 他们的叫喊声在林中回荡. Their shouts echoed through the forest
- v. 他们的喊声在山谷中回荡. Their shouts re-echoed through the valley
- v. 他们的相逢是命中注定的. that they should meet
- n. 他们的笑声在山中产生回声. The hills echoed to the sound of their laughter
- 他们设下圈套, 他果然落入其中. They set a trap for him and he walked right into it
- n. 他们设法在一个短小的节目中包罗了多方面的内容. They managed to cover quite a lot of ground in a short programme
- v. 他们跌进了翻腾的急流中. They fell into the seething waters of the rapids