  • n.  他们以为能在选举轻易取胜, 但事情往往会功败垂成.   They think they'll win the election easily, but there's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip
  •   他们依靠些微投资的收入, 过著朝不保夕的生活.   They lived precariously on the income from a few small investments
  • v.  他们删除了我那篇报道记述军队暴行的内容.   They've sanitized my report on army atrocities
  • adj.  他们取笑我在攀岩活动的那种可怜劲儿.   They laughed at my puny efforts at rock-climbing
  • adj.  他们命注定再也无缘相遇了.   They were destined never to meet again, ie Fate had decided they should not meet again
  • n.  他们因在比赛过於粗野而受罚.   They were penalized for too much rough play
  • n.  他们在事故受了重伤.   They were badly hurt in the accident
  • n.  他们在围墙下面挖地道通向远处林.   They tunnelled along under the walls and up into the woods beyond
  • v.  他们在大庭广众之那样调情, 真让人难堪.   It's embarrassing when they flirt like that in public, ie with each other
  • n.  他们在沙漠迷路而渴死了.   They lost their way in the desert and died of thirst
  • n.  他们在第二盘输了第一局(网球赛).   They lost the first game of the second set, ie in tennis
  • adv.  他们在齐腰深的水中.   They were,waist-deep in `water
  • n.  他们完全陶醉在音乐.   with the music
  • adj.  他们对30人进行了面试, 其有五人符合候选条件.   They interviewed 30 people of whom five were possibles
  • adj.  他们希望从实验获得阳性结果.   They were hoping for a positive result from the experiment
  • n.  他们彼此交恶不愿相见, 有事均通过间人处理.   They disliked each other too much to meet, so they conducted all their business through an intermediary