  • v.  他个性中的犯罪癖.   the criminal twist in his personality
  • n.  他中指上戴著指环.   He wears a ring on his middle finger
  •   他途让个搭便车的人上了车.   He picked up a hitch-hiker
  • v.  他途退保(放弃保险以立即获得退保金).   He surrendered his insurance policy, ie gave up his rights under the policy in return for immediate payment
  • n.  他主动帮起忙来, 我怀疑其另有文章.   I smelt a rat when he started being so helpful
  • n.  他从午就开始工作了.   He has been working since noon
  • v.  他从人群中挤了过去.   through the crowd
  • n.  他从工作得到莫大的慰藉.   His work has been a real solace to him
  • n.  他从攀岩运动得到兴奋、 刺激的感受.   He gets his thrills from rock-climbing
  • adj.  他从政府一未透露姓名者那里得到了消息.   He had received information from a nameless source in the government
  • v.  他从桥上跳入水去抢救那溺水儿童.   He dived from the bridge to rescue the drowning child
  • indef det  他仔细检查了这一套的各项.   He examined every item in the set carefully
  • indef det  他们很多人你都认识吗?   Did you know many of them?
  •   他们中间的九个(人)   nine of them
  • v.  他们互相讲述了他们在军队的经历.   stories about their army days
  • adj.  他们从作梗, 让我不易见到她.   They made it difficult for me to see her